About This Site

“Vanderbilt Student Guide to Digital Resources,” is an Omeka archive of digital resources that may be useful to Vanderbilt Students.This archive was created because there are a lot of resources that Vanderbilt students may not know about, especially if they are new students transitioning to the University. As such, this digital archive curates exhibits based on a collection of 17 digital resources that are free and available to Vanderbilt Students. Exhibits showcase the ways students may use groups of these resources for conducting research, help in class or for studying, security and data privacy, file storage and management, and computer science. The goal of this digital archive is: (1) to help Vanderbilt students to discover digital platforms that may be useful to them; (2) to preserve a list of freely available digital resources that Vanderbilt students can access at no cost; (3) to share reasons that a student may use a given resource; (4) to teach other students about these various digital resources, their origin stories (e.g., creator, date created) and how to access them.